- Spirituality
HOW DO YOU DEFINE YOURSELF Define yourself! Most of us do not know who we are. We talk about ourselves all of the time with ignorance and deceit. There is only one Self . . . that Self is God. Throughout life, […]
HOW DO YOU DEFINE YOURSELF Define yourself! Most of us do not know who we are. We talk about ourselves all of the time with ignorance and deceit. There is only one Self . . . that Self is God. Throughout life, […]
SISTER OF SPORTS ICON MICHAEL JORDAN Deloris E. Jordan is the sister of Sports Icon Michael Jordan. She is a mother, real estate agent, inspirational speaker and author. Her first book In My Family’s Shadow chronicles pain, agony and hopelessness, resulting in […]
ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACTIONS Accepting responsibility for actions committed is a personality trait too many individuals have not developed. Every excuse is given for not doing so. Such action reminds me of a sitcom where the main character claimed “The devil made […]
IS HOLDING A GRUDGE MAKING YOU HAPPY? Holding a grudge may make the mind happy. . .but it damages the soul. What is a Grudge? The Cambridge Dictionary defines grudge as “a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person (whom) […]
Controversy surrounds what some say is an untold Mississippi Massacre that the United States Army hid and is still hiding from American history. Does such a story exist? Supposedly, the secret slaughter of unarmed black soldiers happened during World World II, and […]