Out of Darkness Emerges Light
The phrase “out of darkness emerges light,” captures the message Dr. DeAndrea (deon-dria) Matthews espouses in her latest book The Night Season: Unlocking the Mystery of Your Dreams. During an interview with Talk Show Host Dr. Mamie Smith on EAMTRADIO, Dr. Matthews will “unlock” the door to thoughts and beliefs human beings have wrestled with since biblical times. Who is Dr. Matthews?
According to research, Dr. Matthews is an international speaker and award-winning author. She is a National Diversity Council Certified Diversity Professional (NDCCDP). Currently, she serves as Vice President of Diversity & Community Engagement for the Detroit Zoological Society. For much of her life, she has facilitated diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility locally, regionally and around the globe. Dr. Matthews has received several awards for her dedication. A notable one being Corps! Magazine’s Diversity Business Leadership Award which honors business leaders who “champion diversity initiatives and achievements within their organizations and communities.”
Dr. Smith Meets Dr. Matthews
On a cold, sunny day in January, I walked briskly across the floor of a Kroger store to grab a bottle of orange juice. I had forgotten to “throw it in my cart.” The “rush” was precipitated because the cashier had begun checking me out! Nearing the orange juice shelf, I spied two women sitting behind a book display. Quickly, I put on my “talk show hat” and asked for author information. They obliged. Later, I reflected on the kindness and helpfulness the women expressed to “a stranger in Kroger.” A future phone conversation led to reading Dr. Matthew’s latest book: The Night Season: Unlocking the Mystery of Your Dreams. How does one unlock the mystery of a dream?
Out of Darkness Emerges Light
The lives of human being are filled with “night seasons.” But Dr. Matthews says, out of darkness comes light–spiritual understanding. She believes dreams are one way God communicates with “earthlings.” Discover what that way is during her interview on EAMTRADIO’s “Talk to the Author Show.” “Night seasons” and dreams will be defined, and the ability to distinguish between good and bad dreams explained. Dr. DeAndrea is also senior pastor of Visions International Ministry.
Twelve (12) books have been penned by Dr. Matthews–books on many topics. Among them The Darkest Hour, Letters of My Angry Self and Almost Doesn’t Count. As a teacher at Visions International Ministry, her instruction includes training and activating” those called to leadership to heal (others) from trauma and experience victory over darkness so they can walk in their divine destiny.” Listen to “Talk to the Author with Dr. Mamie Smith @ 5 PM on eamtradio on July 2, 2023 and discover how out of darkness emerges light.