Abortion: Human or Divine
After reading the title of this article, some readers may wonder why anyone would choose a topic as “Abortion: Human or Divine.” Easy answer. It is at the forefront of the minds of millions of Americans today. The Supreme Court decision to dismantle Roe vs. Wade has adversely affected the lives of all Americans. It does not matter what side of the spectrum one is on, opinions are levied right and left. Before diving into the discussion, certain terms this article will use must be defined. Whether you agree with the definitions or not, the writer’s meanings are essential.
Definition of Terms
Clarification of certain terms in the article Abortion: Human or Divine are life or death; divine or human; immortal or mortal and spiritual or physical. Life, divine, immortal and spiritual are viewed as having opposite meanings from death, human, mortal and physical. To grasp the overall message I am espousing, you must understand the meaning of each word from my perspective.
Life: Supreme Being; That which has no beginning or ending. God, Spirit, Love, Truth.
Divine: A reflection of God; reality. That which expresses God. The image of Spirit.
Immortal: That which lives forever; eternal; everlasting. That which never ends.
Spiritual: An expression of Spirit. Peace; health; harmony. The substance of all reality.
Death: That which ends. Cessation of existence; unreality.
Human: The opposite of divine. A physical structure; a person; unreality. A human being.
Mortal: Sinful; unreal. Evil thoughts.
Physical: That which is perceived by the five senses. Mortal. Flesh, blood, bones and muscles.
Two Opposing Abortion Arguments
The fundamental argument of abortion is whether or not a fetus is human or divine. One point of view is that it is spiritual and to abort it, is a destruction of what God has created. The opposite view says spiritual or physical, it is an individual right to decide what should be done. After all, it is “my body!”
Both arguments are really based on the concept that man is a physical or material being, not spiritual. He is “flesh and blood,” not “man made in the image and likeness of God.” Where does this belief originate? Answer: From the 2nd Chapter of Genesis. Before examining that chapter, let’s look at the 1st Chapter of Genesis.
Moses and Credibility
Biblical history lists Moses as the writer of the Book of Genesis. I believe he was a follower and demonstrator of God’s law. Why? He is the “guy” God revealed the TEN COMMANDMENTS to. I trust him. Do you? Now that we have established a basis for trusting Moses, let’s look at what he says in Chapter One of Genesis. After studying this book for about 50 years and a book by Mary Baker Eddy, I have concluded that there are two different versions of creation by Moses. One stated in the first chapter and a different one in the second chapter. One is true and the other is untrue.
The First Chapter of Genesis
The first chapter presents man as made in God’s image. In fact, Moses says in Genesis 1:26, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Further in Verse 27, he continues, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” An “image” is an exact replica of something. When you stand in front of a mirror, you see your image. It is exactly like you! And…it will do what you do. If you lift your arm, it lifts its arm, shake your head, it does that also, and so on. So, if we are made in the “image and likeness” of God, we express or reflect all that he is. We do what he does! The word “man” is generic and applies to both male and female, having nothing to do with gender.
God is Spirit…meaning he is not flesh and blood. The five (5) physical senses neither comprehend, nor define him. Reflecting God, man is spiritual, not physical. His body is his divine nature. Are you following me? How then do we reflect God? By expressing his divine qualities. That expression is a mental connection that lifts thought outside of the human realm of understanding. Once you do it, you will know it! Words like peacefulness, stillness, goodness and unconditional love fill consciousness. Once achieving that consciousness, listen . . . and God will speak to you mentally. Wow! The five (5) physical senses cannot behold God!
What Makes a Thing Good?
Prior to making man, God created “everything else” (the universe), and he made it “good.” My definition of good is godliness. In Genesis 1, God is the sole Creator . . . there is no one else. Thus, we can conclude, “God is All.” If God is all, there is nothing that exists except him and the man and universe he created. No evil exists! Thus, Moses maintains the man created by God is good . . . eternally good. He never vacillates between good and evil. In fact, evil is unknown.
The Creation of Mortal Man
The second chapter of Genesis reveals Lord God as forming “man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Verse 2:7). Three words stand out in that verse: Lord God and soul. God has become “Lord God” and “soul” loses its spiritual nature. Lord God diminishes the nature of God and soul refers to the physical senses. The man made of dirt transforms himself into flesh and blood. He cannot be the image of God because God is not made of dirt.
Later, Lord God decides to make a “help mate” for man, from one of his ribs. Initially, the story says these guys were “good,” but goodness changed when they were placed in the garden of Eden. In Eden, they discovered a tree of “good and evil” and were convinced by a snake to partake of its fruit. I understand that fruit to be a “knowledge of good and evil.” Evil, the snake persuaded the couple to believe God lied to them when he said everything “was good.” Mortal thinking has adopted this creation as reality.
Contrasting Creations by God
What is the difference between the two (2) versions of creation? One says everything God created is good and no evil exists. The other alleges man is made of flesh and blood and both evil and good exist. Modern Christianity has adopted the second version primarily. In so doing, most humans believe man was born in sin and must somehow find a way to escape his birthright. Such a belief keeps us mentally tied to good and evil. Thus, we struggle to become good. Are we winning?
The Writer’s Concept of Man
This writer holds the view that man is made in the “image and likeness of God.” Further, that man is not flesh and blood, but a spiritual idea expressing the divine nature of God, eternally. Choosing this concept, the human man’s daily battle is striving to demonstrate what he already knows. That man is perfect and always good. His nature is not human, but divine. Soul, God, generates only spiritual senses, not physical. Vision, hearing and feeling become an awareness of Soul. Holding and practicing such a view, bring healing not only to himself, but also the world. I would argue, that is what made Jesus so successful is healing sin and sickness.
The Human Man
The “flesh and blood” man pictures good and evil as equals. That is what defines him as human. Thus, he constantly struggles to discover where good is, what it looks like and how to keep evil from changing it when he finds it.
Abortion: Human or Divine
Abortion is a human belief. God’s man can never be aborted because he is spiritual. Why? Because everything spiritual is eternal. It never ends. The difficulty in demonstrating spiritual man is erasing human knowledge stamped on our minds at birth. Before birth, the fetus absorbs the thoughts of the mother. Therefore, mortality has a “head start” before birth. Thoughts, beliefs and practices consume the consciousness of mortal man. Therefore, he sins. Sin in not God made, it is mortal man made. Once humans understand that God made man spiritual, abortion has no reality.