We Love Chicken

We Love Chicken is an article for all mankind to analyze, ponder and discover what it means to oneself. Its message is social, political and spiritual: “Words can only hurt if they are believed.” Name-calling, verbal abuse, degradation and ridicule hurt the person using them.

Fried chicken has been used to mock and ridicule black people, but "we love chicken" advises that food defines no one.  A person's identity is defined by the life he lives.

We are . . . what we believe.

Words Can’t Hurt

We Love Chicken, fried chicken, and Blacks should not see this as “fighting words.” We Love Chicken was written to emphasize this fact! Words can only hurt if you believe them. For centuries, the human mind has fought, killed and murdered because of words. No one enjoys being scorned, belittled or “put down.” But as I listen to hateful words spewing from the mouths of individuals, the “still small voice within” allows me to focus on a higher “reality.” The person committing such acts is putting himself down, he has to change, not me. “We are what we believe.” Let’s listen to the voice of Soul.

When words start to hurt, look for the conscience of Soul.  Only then will you understand the poem "We Love Chicken."

The Voice of Conscience

Every individual has a “voice of conscience.” It gives us awareness of moral values that lead us to a sense of right or wrong. It’s always there, but some individuals listen to the voice of passion. The measure of a man comes from the voice of soul. Let the message in the poem stir your spiritual sense:

We Love Chicken

We love chicken, we love greens,

Let me tell you what that means,

We’re not less and others more,

All must walk through the same door.

White, red, black and brown

Walk and run on the same ground.

Violence and hate may last a while

But love will touch every child.

Laughter and ridicule do not matter,

They’re just viewed as useless chatter.

Wisdom and love are not in food,

Intelligence makes a “cool dude.”

Watermelon’s our favorite dish,

We even have it with our fish.

Racist words about food we eat,

Don’t deny us any sleep.

We are black, brown and proud,

Look for chicken in our crowd.

Words like blackface, coon or nigger

Are often used to set-off a trigger.

But lessons learned centuries ago

Give us strength to just say No!

We love chicken, we love beans,

That’s what makes us kings and queens.

We Love Chicken

Fried chicken has been used to mock and ridicule black people, but "we love chicken" advises that food defines no one.  A person's identity is defined by the life he lives.

We are…what we believe.

This article was written to highlight how cultures have used stereotypes to gain power and control. Words of degradation only have power. . . if given power. We have the power to choose! Self-respect and true identity allow us to rise above such ignorance. Mentally, stare down words of hate and bigotry. . . say out loud. . .”You have no power!”