Define Yourself

Self-identity is key to self-respect. How do you define yourself? As I watched the horrific scenes from Israel occupy my television screen, thoughts of responsibility and accountability filled my thoughts. First, who are the people the world calls Hamas? Secondly, is anything […]

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A Teacher’s Dream

A teacher’s dream originated from a mother’s desire to either make her children great speakers or give them courage when fear is staring them in the face. Either way, she used public speaking to accomplish the goal. In fact, her children grew […]

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Politics and Religion

Politics and Religion: The two words should not be connected because they will never unite in true harmony. Why? The definitions of each are in opposition to the other at the core of existence. When religion dabbles into politics, the “soil” of […]

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We Love Chicken

We Love Chicken is an article for all mankind to analyze, ponder and discover what it means to oneself. Its message is social, political and spiritual: “Words can only hurt if they are believed.” Name-calling, verbal abuse, degradation and ridicule hurt the […]

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The Rule of Law

“The rule of law” can mean different things to different people, some acceptable, some not. After reviewing several meanings, this writer chose a definition believed to be in line with how most people view the meaning. The rule of law is a […]

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How to Measure a Man Do we measure a man by safety, politics, popularity or his sense of right? This article seeks to answer those questions. First, it should be established that the term “man” does not refer to gender, it describes […]

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A Prison Corrections Officer: Most people do not spend time in prison . . . many have never seen the inside of one. But those unfortunate people who end up there, experience a world that reflects the worst of humanity’s mindsets. What […]

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Does Expectation Lead to Disappointment? Expectation or Disappointment: We live with dissatisfaction as a major force in our lives. How do you handle it? Is there a formula that helps turn expectation into success? What does it mean to be hopeful? What […]

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I Can’t Stand Another No! Do you say constantly, “Another No?” Life is full of day-to-day nos. Some cause smiles, others cause tears. Each one, when accepted as the foundation for reflective thought, inspires growth. Motivation and enlightenment can provide beacons of […]

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Here’s why I wrote it: It being my third book An American Story: My Family and Yours. Writing this book allowed me to explore American history from a different perspective. It also caused me to dig deep into my own thoughts. I […]

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