Is patience in tribulation a concept we wrestle with in everyday living? Do many people think about the concept? Practice it or even wonder about it? What does patience in tribulation look like? These are questions this article will examine. It will […]

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A Teacher’s Dream

A teacher’s dream originated from a mother’s desire to either make her children great speakers or give them courage when fear is staring them in the face. Either way, she used public speaking to accomplish the goal. In fact, her children grew […]

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Politics and Religion

Politics and Religion: The two words should not be connected because they will never unite in true harmony. Why? The definitions of each are in opposition to the other at the core of existence. When religion dabbles into politics, the “soil” of […]

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The Rule of Law

“The rule of law” can mean different things to different people, some acceptable, some not. After reviewing several meanings, this writer chose a definition believed to be in line with how most people view the meaning. The rule of law is a […]

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The Secret of Juneteenth

The Secret of Juneteenth is that its existence was based on a false premise. One word that defined it, was “freedom.” Yet, history reveals liberation was never the intent. The idea was used to appease one group, so that another group could […]

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THE CROSSROADS OF FREEDOM: JUSTICE EQUALITY FOR ALL America’s culture is at the crossroads of freedom, justice and equality. What direction will we choose? Will we cling to past and present norms of words without deeds? Will we choose truth without honor, […]

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