Rising Above Hate

Rising above hate. How does one do that? The answer is complicated. In today’s world of anger and vitriol, trying to “fix someone” whom you feel needs to dissolve hatred, would probably lead to a good “cussing out” or other violent responses. […]

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Is Homosexuality a Sin?

This question has plagued mankind since biblical times. Today, there seems to be no definitive answer. Some say “yes,” others say “no.” This article will analyze biblical verses, followed by corresponding actions that seek to verify both actions and arguments. Lastly, a […]

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Is patience in tribulation a concept we wrestle with in everyday living? Do many people think about the concept? Practice it or even wonder about it? What does patience in tribulation look like? These are questions this article will examine. It will […]

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A Teacher’s Dream

A teacher’s dream originated from a mother’s desire to either make her children great speakers or give them courage when fear is staring them in the face. Either way, she used public speaking to accomplish the goal. In fact, her children grew […]

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Understanding True Intelligence

Understanding true intelligence is lacking in the world today. The most difficult thing about comprehending true intelligence is, man does not know he does not understand it. For centuries, psychologists have labored to clarify its meaning. Numerous theories link intelligence to one […]

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