Tackling words like morality or hypocrisy can be challenging. Figuring out what each meant, caused me to dig deep into my own thought. Sure. . . a dictionary meaning is easy to acquire, but are they just words or, are they words to live by? How important is it to choose morality over hypocrisy? Should we expect leaders to use morality in governing cities, states and America? What is true and what is untrue? This article will look at both words and determine answers for consideration.
Morality and hypocrisy have opposite meanings. They never agree, and one cannot have both represented at the same time. Morality is “a system of ideas that promote or demonstrate right or wrong conduct.” It says, “If you do this, it is right, but if you do that, it is wrong.” You have to choose one, and the one you choose, determines its rightness or wrongness. Hypocrisy on the other hand, means “the act of professing beliefs, feelings and virtues, but acting in direct opposition to them.” Simplistically, it means saying, but not doing.
Virtue on Display
As I reflect on the Senate trial of the former president (Donald Trump), both virtue and pretense were operating in full force. The House managers presented a case laying out clearly and consistently the mindset and actions that led President Trump to commit insurrection. The forty-seven senators who voted to render a “not guilty” verdict, ignored those set of facts and vindicated him. They knew without a doubt, he was guilty, but chose to steer public thought away from the facts to beliefs that were not only non-factual, but simply did not address the charges against the former president.
Pretense Lifts It Head
Hypocrisy was very vivid and well-pronounced when, after giving a “non-guilty” vote, Senator McConnell, who voted “not guilty,” rose on the Senate floor and delivered a speech that acknowledged the former president’s guilt. What hypocrisy! If he believed him to be guilty, why didn’t his actions follow those beliefs? You can’t have both!
Mankind Struggles with Guilt, Morality or Hypocrisy
It is difficult to “get a handle” on what we believe and what we reconcile as spiritual knowledge. For example, how do we call the former president an insurrectionist and read in the Bible that “man is made in the image and likeness of God?” The key is to discover what God made? Did he make a human man or a spiritual man? Answer: a spiritual man. If that answer is accepted, we can know that human, evil acts have nothing to do with the man God created, and we are free to call them out for their evil. Secondly, discover what constitutes moral acts? Answer: Things that are kind, peaceful, equal, just and loving. Sending a mob down to the capital to harm others, “fight like hell” and lying about the foundation as to why it is done, is not moral.
Ideas of Morality or Hypocrisy
Engaging in conspiracy theories, seeing oneself as superior to another and refusing to seek truth are not ideas of morality. It is the responsibility of each of us daily and hourly to emulate Christianity. The way to do that is look at the life Jesus lived and try to match it. Hypocrisy is pretending you are, when in your soul, you are lying to yourself. Reality is “walking in the footsteps” of Jesus. Unreality is sin, sickness and deadly thoughts that harm self and others. They are only real to human logic, not divine. Morality uncovers hypocrisy and brings it to the surface of thought to be destroyed. So, my friends, to call President Trump an insurrectionist based on his human thoughts and actions, is revealing evil for what it is.