Connect with Billy

“Connect with Billy if you want to move your music,” is how many people in Detroit characterize Billy Wilson. That characterization “piqued the interest” of this magazine. Why do people feel that way? What makes him the “go to” guy? This article highlights what we found! Detroit Music Station says Billy is “one of the most connected and smartest music minds in this town (Detroit). And he . . . enjoys helping musical artists succeed in the business.” Others describe him as knowing the “ins and outs of music.” The “connect with Billy” saga continues.

Jump into the Detroit Scene and "connect with Billy."
2022 Detroit Music Scene Photo: DetroitList.Com

Connect with Billy and The Detroit Scene

Since the 1920s Detroit has been an inviting and thriving scene for music! It began with Jazz at Orchestra Hall in the 1920s, escalated with “the Motown Sound” in the 1960s and radiates in 2022 with hip-hop and electronic music. For decades, Billy Wilson has shared this progression. What role has he played?

The Connection

Billy Wilson, the "go to" guy in Detroit!
Billy Wilson

Motown Music is the focus of Billy’s tentacles that reach across the world. He is Founder and CEO of Motown Alumni Association (MAA). The primary purpose of MAA is for “scholarly and educational endeavors.” It has branches in England, Germany, Japan and Scotland and a Facebook Page membership of 14,300. The following is a list of services that fit under that umbrella of “educational endeavors:”

  • Development of Artists
  • Talent Industry Marketing
  • Entertainment Brand & Corporate Marketing
  • Distribution & Publishing
  • Touring
  • Event & Production Management

Wow! That is a healthy resume’! Is that why people connect with Billy?

The Detroit Black Music Awards is one of the organizations that Billy Wilson connects with.

Wilson also works with Detroit Black Music Awards (DBMA) President Misty Love in honoring talented, local black musicians. On August 7, 2022, DBMA celebrated its 13th Annual Detroit Black Music Awards ceremony. Saxophonist Duane Parham received the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Ward at the event.

Entrepreneurship is only one of the talents of Billy Wilson, he is also an accomplished bass player. This experience allows him to understand that a successful artist may not necessarily be a successful businessperson. An ideal situation is to have the two rolled into one. However, there are numerous stories that explain how musicians have been mercilessly taken advantage of by unscrupulous businessmen. We believe this motivated Wilson to dive into the business aspect of music production and distribution.

Connect with Billy Means Connecting with Motown

It seems appropriate to end this article with musicians who helped develop the “Motown Sound” and established Motown’s rightful place in the history of music. Let’s now …connect with Berry!